A new slant of the vampire genre...
When I started writing the series, my aim was to write a vampire series that was romantic, but wasn't too erotic; as I wanted teenagers...
Letalis Trinity 99p
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01F5Y4NIU EndFragment
Kindle Countdown Deal...
Since embarking on this adventure of being a writer, I have done a few of these Countdown Deals. The first one I did back in November...
Kindle Countdown Deal 99p
The Letalis Trinity:- Three children connected by blood are separated by necessity; as meeting could jeopardise their very existence....
Who would you pick as your sire?
The eight pictures above are just pictures I got off the internet that kind of fitted the image I had created in my head for each of my...
The Letalis War:- First Chapter...
A little taster to wet your appetite. The Letalis War, will be 99p on Friday 27th May. Samuel’s view of the wedding :- 1731 “The wedding...
Kindle Countdown Deal...
Since embarking on this adventure of being a writer, I have done a few of these Countdown Deals. The first one I did back in November...
The Importance of Amazon Reviews
Not many people know how important reviews are for an author. 20-25 reviews mean Amazon will add the author's book to 'you might like'...
My first year as a writer...
It was 5th May 2015 that I uploaded my first book Letalis Vindicta to Amazon as an eBook. A year on, I have just (21.00 last night)...
Book Promotion this weekend.